Saturday 31 December 2011

new year~

new year= new life... fireworks, wishes from friends:) oh well i'm officially 20 now, hard to accept it but i think i have done something great last year LOL.. hahaha hope things will get even better next year, oh no, is this year, is 2012 now...:) no party, no clubbing, no alcohol, wat a healthy countdown hehehe~ anyway, its a brand new start for me, welcome new thing to my life, to learn and to grow everyday.. oh yea!!!

Wednesday 28 December 2011

rainy day:(

淋着雨走在同一个街道,同样的场景,同样的我。。心情忽然变得很糟,只想一个人,就静静的,一个人走走。。。 随便花钱 , 听听歌,吃甜品,就很好了。。 原以为会被尘封的回忆,顿时被翻开,太多太多的思绪在脑里打转着,一幕幕像电影重播似的不断重演, 明知道应该完完全全的放下,不该留恋的。或许人总是口是心非吧,想一套,做的却是另一套,也或许阻止不了自己的心吧。。 以前我喜欢下雨天,但现在它却让我情绪低落。。
下雨天了 怎么办??